Are you looking to improve your fitness with rowing? Perfect! It's a great choice. Rowing is proven to be one of the best workouts due to incorporating your whole body using each major muscle group.
You'll be getting a full-body workout while elevating your heart rate.
Rowing Machine Workouts
Are you looking for a helping hand through your rowing journey?
Multi Week Routines
You can choose a multi-week routine based on your fitness level and goal. You'll receive SPM and time targets to help you improve over time without burning out. All you need is a rowing machine.
We currently offer routines for beginners, intermediate and advanced rowers who are looking to improve their general fitness or lose weight. Each routine will suggest daily workouts to keep your training structured.
Challenge Workouts
Our Challenge Workouts are a great way to complement your training routine with some HIIT workouts. These are perfect if you find yourself with surplus days to work out, or just fancy something a bit different.
The app currently has a selection of different Challenge Workouts with a variety of focuses such as strength building, weight loss, speed training or general fitness. You can choose what works best for you depending on your goals.
We recommend repeating these, perhaps once a week, while recording how your performance improves.